The aftershocks....
Oh man, raise your hand if your house still looks like this three days after Christmas....*sigh*
PS--I do not own this picture.
Mailbox Monday!
Hey everyone! Just so you know, Traffic Jam, is being featured on Jonathan Wilhoit's blog as a part of Mailbox Monday! Check it out here
My run-in with the law....
Hey gang! Today, I'm at the awesome blog of fellow author Christine Hughes! I'm chit-chatting about my run-in with the law that is the New York Bridge Authority. Follow the link to her blog, read with caution and take notes because the next victim could be YOU!
PS--I do not own this photograph!
In The Flesh....
Today, I came across this article about human trafficking in Argentina. It's about one woman, Susana Trimarco, whose search for her daughter has led her to shine a harsh spotlight upon the horrors of human trafficking. While Susana has helped free hundreds of women from the shackles of forced prostitution, she still has yet to find her daughter, who was kidnapped and who, Susana believes, has been sold into the sex trade. It's a fantastic article, shedding light once more on a subject that's been allowed to flourish for so long right under our noses, both within our country and out. The book I've written about this issue doesn't even compare to the real deal. I can only hope that Susana is at last successful in her quest for her missing child. Here's the link to the article:
Interview for Traffic Jam
Hey troops! So I wanted to share an interview that I participated in a few days ago. The awesome Jennifer Lafferty was kind enough to post the interview in two parts: one on Goodreads and the other on her Examiner column! Talk about spreading the love! Below are the links! Read on, folks!
December? Already???
Oh man, it's that time of year again....
You know it.
You've only been hearing about it since the week before Thanksgiving. Perhaps even before that.
Now, don't get me wrong. I love Christmas. I love the lights, the atmosphere, the cookies and even on some morbid level, the shopping. My only concern is HOW did it get here so quickly????
Wasn't I just at the beach yesterday? Wasn't I just wearing shorts and flip-flops and feeling the back of my shirt stick to me whenever I climbed out of my car?
When in the freaking world did Christmas even ARRIVE????
Time, my friends, is slipping away, faster and faster, like sand, like water, like anything slippery, between our fingers to puddle at our feet. It's sad, isn't it, when you look up, look in the mirror and realize that the person staring back at you looks kind of different? Not because you dyed your hair. Not because you're wearing make-up or you had your lip pierced but because of time going by. It's sad and tad bit scary.
So enjoy what you have now, folks. You only get one shot at this life. One shot.
Make it good.
Oh, what's in a name? *flails dramatically*
Well, if you're a story-teller, you know just how important names are for your characters. I'm guest-blogging over at Piper Shelly's blog today, trying to tackle that very issue. Check out my attempt at explaining name-calling from a writer's crazy point-of-view:
PS--I take no credit for this adorable image of this baby! But the look on his face says it all, doesn't it?
Special Guest Author---Liv Rancourt!
Hey gang! I've been given the honor and absolute privilege of having awesome author, Liv Rancourt, on my blog today! Not only is she a fellow author but she's also a fellow music-lover--check out her post below:
Confessions of a SongPop Addict…
Thanks, Melissa, for giving me a chance to make a guest
appearance on your blog. I really appreciate the opportunity to connect with
your readers.
As I was scrolling through some of your older posts, I
noticed that you occasionally write about music, specifically, rock n’ roll.
I’m a pretty big music fan, too. In fact, one of my recent blog posts
was a compilation of several of my fave Halloween tunes. I will confess,
though, that I’d have a difficult time of it if you made me pick my favorite
kind of music. I like them all!
Well, most of them, anyway. Which probably explains why I’m
such an incredible SongPop addict. Do you know what SongPop is? It’s one of
those Facebook games that annoying people send you invites to, sorta like
Farmville or WordsWithFriends. The difference is, SongPop is actually fun.
It’s like Name That Tune, except you challenge your
opponents one-on-one, trying to score points. The key is to have a fast trigger
finger and an encyclopedic knowledge of music.
Yeah, well, I’m not sure I qualify as “encyclopedic”, but I
can handle most any category you throw at me, and half the fun is scoring
enough points to buy new categories. I have Jazz, Blues, New Wave, Punk Rock,
and nine or ten others. Today’s acquisition: Musicals!
So if you’ve got some time to kill and think you know a
little about music, look me up on Facebook and send
me a SongPop challenge. I’m always up for a game!
In the meantime, keep reading for a short excerpt from my
newest release, The Santa Drag. It’s
a chick-lit short story with a twist, and of course, a happy ending.
Things aren’t always
what they seem, and this shopping mall Santa has secrets only her true love can
On a particularly busy Saturday, I
was tired and thinking more about a double shot of espresso than I was about
the pile of kids who wanted to sit in my lap. The weak winter sun was making
its circle over the atrium where the Christmas Village was set up, and my
roommate Shauna was buzzing by every so often to giggle at me from the
sidelines. She was trying to get all of her Christmas shopping done in one day,
which was a good trick for someone with as many fertile brothers and sisters as
she had.
“Come sit on Santa’s lap.” Maya,
the photographer and kid-wrangler, invited the next kid in line approach my
golden throne. Well, it was fake gold, but the kids didn’t know that.
“No,” said a little girl with a
stubborn crease between her brows. She was dressed in Seattle’s version of
Christmas formal, a stiff, red velvet dress, likely made from organic fabric
dyed with beets and rose hips. On her feet were two-toned leather MaryJanes
that probably cost sixty-five dollars. At least the green corkscrew ribbons
tied around her blond pigtails looked like they belonged on a child. I made
myself as approachable as possible, getting down to her level and producing a
big smile.
“Come on, Thula,” her mother said,
tapping one French manicured nail on her cell phone. “Go sit up there with
Santa so we can take your picture.” She sounded as if this was just one more
thing to knock off the list.
“It’s okay, sweetie.” Maya put on
her encouraging smile. Maya was a tiny thing, barely bigger than most of the
kids we saw, with long dark hair, a tiny gold hoop pierced through one nostril,
and bugged-out eyes that looked like they’d been molded out of chocolate. She
was non-threatening as an adult could possibly be. The kid stared at her and
bit down on her bottom lip. At least she wasn’t crying. Yet.
“You want to come tell Santa what to bring you
for Christmas?” I kept my voice pitched down somewhere under my sternum. It
helped that I had one of those raspy lady voices that earned me a permanent
spot in the tenor section whenever I sang in choir.
Sometimes less is more when you’re
dealing with preschoolers. We went back and forth for several minutes
until the kid went from biting her
bottom lip to letting it pooch out and tremble. Never a good sign. Finally, after
a ton of coaxing, she was more-or-less close to me, squatting down on the other side of one of the
big pretend presents that ringed my throne. That was good enough for her mom,
and Maya snapped a picture.
When she was done, the little girl
glared at me from behind the big, glossy red ribbon that topped the present.
“Bring me a baby brother,” she bellowed and took off running..
Mom’s glare was meaner than the
kid’s had been. Hey, it’s not like I made any promises.
The kid ran full tilt past the pseudo-Tyrolean
houses that made the Village, and out through the crowds of shoppers. She
stopped in the middle of an open space and cut loose, her sobs echoing around
the smoky glass dome that covered us. We could hear her carrying on until she
and her mom got swallowed up by the Ross store at the end of the north hallway.
The whole place fell into a bit of a hush when she was gone, as everyone exhaled in relief. This close to
Christmas, none of us needed a crying child to ratchet up the stress level.
A young mother was next in line.
She came into the Christmas Village and positioned a slightly damp baby on my
lap, moving as if something hurt. The baby was so young that Mom still looked a
little pregnant under her loose denim-blue shirt. Or maybe she was already
pregnant with number two. I’m not so good with the principles of baby
production. Well, I understand the basic concepts, but haven’t had that many
opportunities to put them into practice.
The brief quiet was interrupted by
a yodeling squeal that I recognized. I stared into the crowd until I caught
Maya looking at me funny. I stuck on a smile as close to my normal, jolly-Santa
shtick as I could get, and she settled back down behind her camera. The reason
for my roommate Shauna’s squeal had me completely rattled. In the two or three
beats I’d looked out from behind my wire-rimmed glasses as Mack-the-girl, I’d
seen Shauna giving someone a big hug. A really handsome someone. Joe McBride.
Joseph Timothy McBride. The actor. The real-life, got a soap opera gig and
several commercials and you saw him in Scream
2 actor. The only guy I ever really loved.
Ooh, now she’s
got a problem! Will Mack turn all Creepy-Kringle? Will Joe recognize her?
What’s a Santa to do? ;)
Obsession at the moment....
So it's been quite a number of years since the Calvin & Hobbes comic strip ceased productions, which, I have to say, was a very sad time. Not a day had gone by when I didn't flip open the newspaper to find out what kind of trouble Calvin was getting into at school or at the dinner table or just how far his sneakers would fly off his feet when Hobbes pounced on him, stealthy stuffed tiger that he is. But I have to say that the above picture, one that I do not own in any way, shape or form, comdensed my absolute love for that comic strip and my most recent obsession with Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band.
I find it somewhat disheartening that being from New Jersey that I'm only now just discovering how awesome the Boss is and how passionate he is with his music, with his views of the world and how at being in his sixties, he's still sexy as hell and can still put on one hell of a show.
I think my next mission in life, aside from cranking out another book, is to attend a Springsteen concert---just to be able to exist in the midst of all that energy, just to be able to listen, to stand against the massive wall of sound and let that gravelly voice pound at my eardrums and skate down my spine to my toes.
A Springsteen concert.
That's a fabulous idea.
And guess what I'm listening to right now on my iPod: "I'm On Fire."
Next Stop on the Traffic Jam Blog Tour.....
So here's an interesting question: if Traffic Jam was made into a movie, who would play these characters? Who could play the strong-willed Sam? Or the awkward, Val who doesn't even know she has balls of steel until she's required to use them? Or how about the quiet but selfless John? And of course, the master of puppets and evil, Ed? Who indeed?
Check out this link and see if what I've imagined matches what YOU have seen in your head when you read Traffic Jam!
Let me know what you think!
Profile of Val Delton!
Hey troops! Check out this link:
It's a character profile of Val Delton, my main character from my YA novel, Traffic Jam! It's hilarious, trying to think like a teenager again!
The third stop of the blog tour is under way!
Collingswood Book Festival is Here!
So what's everyone doing this Saturday, October 6? Really? No plans? Well then come on down to the Collingswood Book Festival in Collingswood NJ! Fun will be had by all! There will be books, food, games and more books and it's outside! Plus the weather is going to be gorgeous! Books? Outside? Food? Is there anything else that sounds more awesome than that???
I will be at booth 112 signing copies of my YA novel, Traffic Jam so stop on by and say hi! Hope to see you there!
Second Stop on the Traffic Jam Blog Tour!
Here we are at the next stop on the Traffic Jam blog tour! Grab your friends! Grab a drink! Put your feet and leave a comment! Drinks on me! Check out my interview here:
Another Blog Tour, You Say????
Hello, good people! Traffic Jam is off and running on another blog tour, hosted by the always-awesome Megan McDade! This is so exciting and why, you ask? Because it just is! Who wouldn't want to see their stuff get promoted by kick-a** people? So put up your feet and sip some tea as we kick off the excitement that is TRAFFIC JAM!
Check out the first stop here:
Final Week of the Children's Book Event!
Hey gang! Sad but true--this is the last week of the Children's Book Event! So rounding out the lovely month of September with all things children's book-related, here is an important question:
Why do you think children should be encouraged to read? What is the importance of reading for young children?
Reading is important to children for many reasons. As a matter of fact, being encouraged to read has such a variety of reasons that I'm going to list them all and if I've missed any, feel free to add:
1. It improves the brain cells
2. It gives them something else to do besides playing video games
3. It gives insight into worlds and places that they otherwise would never know about
4. It puts them in situations that they might otherwise never know about
5. Do you really want your kids watching "Honey Boo Boo?"
6. Do you really want your kids watching "Keeping Up with the Kardashians?"
7. Children will get a better education
8. It'll stop them from asking a dollar-store employee: "How much is this?"
9. It might even make them want to write books of their own
10. It provides a healthy escape
11. It gives them something to talk about
12. It gives them something to think about
13. It saves them from boredom on a rainy day
14. IT'S FUN!
Third Week of The Children's Book Event!
Good people! The third week of The Children's Book Event is now in session! Okay, I know I'm a little late. The third week is practically over but in my defense, I was at the beach. And you know what happens at the beach? A whole lot of vegging out, eating, drinking, dozing, reading, drinking some more and....yeah. Repeat cycle. Rinse. Repeat again.
So moving on! This week's question centers around memories of growing up and having my parents read to me; followed by: do you think it's important for parents to read to their children?
So, okay, first things first. Do I recall my parents reading to me? Just barely. And not because they didn't but because I honestly don't remember. But they must've because how else did I become such a bookworm????
Now the second question. My answer to that is H*** YES! If you'll pardon the language, I feel very strongly about this one. Reading is an integral part of just being. You have to know how to read and not just emails, text messages and status updates on Facebook. Reading is equal to learning. Reading is equal to escape. Reading is equal to experiencing different things by way of the page. Everything has a beginning, middle and an end and reading is first and foremost in that statement. As I sit here typing this and glancing around the room I'm currently sitting in, I am surrounded by books. Actual books, not e-books, not Kindles or Nooks. But rectangular-shaped things with pages inside. Now aside from my personal preference, I think it's very important for parents to read to their children. Not only does it help the children read themselves and use their imagination and brain-power but it offers parent and child a chance to bond. In this day and age, bonding is extremely hard to do with so many distractions. We have to make exceptions. We have to push away from our computers and put down our iPads and establish or re-establish human contact. Whether it's through conversation and a book. It must be done.
So quit reading this blog and go pick up a book!
Back from vacation!
Greetings citizens! I'm not sure if anyone here has noticed....possibly not...but that's okay although I would like to imagine that the internet was indeed a lonely place without my presence. However, I was on vacation this past week to Long Beach Island, NJ. As you can see from the above image that my awesome older sister, Cathy, took at the beach as the sun came up, it was pretty spectacular. The water was perfect, the sun was bright and warm every day and the sand flies were barely making a snack out of me. There was also a discovery of a little coffee shop a few blocks down from where I was staying. The name of the coffee shop is called, "How You Brewin'?" and holy good Lord, I don't know what they put in their coffee but it is heavenly! So if you're in that neighborhood, you'd be doing yourself a HUGE favor by stopping in and snagging a cup! I did...every day....and it never got old!
So fellow people, back to reality we go. Heigh-ho, heigh-ho....
Second Week of Children's Book Event!
Here we are, folks! The second week of the Children's Book Event has now commenced! So what is this week's question, you ask? It is as follows:
What was your favorite book as a child and why?
For those of you who know me, my answer to this question will probably come as no surprise. In fact, you'll probably say, "Well, that explains a lot." But okay, all joking aside, my favorite book was Phantoms by Dean Koontz. This was the first book I read by him---which made me an avid fan of his---and it was the one, out of all of his books, that I've always remembered the most and not just because I read it so many times. It was gruesome. It was gory. It unfolded in a way that gave you the impression that a piano was hanging over your head by a fraying rope. Koontz always had a way with the words he put down on the page. In just a few simple sentences, he could make a character leap off of a page. He could show you an isolated town. He could show you the bleak misery of what befell the town's inhabitants. And man, was it scary. That's what I liked most about the book. The ripple of fear that would travel through me during a particularly shadowy scene kept me coming back. Even to this day, I still love scary books but I find that most haven't lived up to Phantoms.
Although I am open to suggestions....
Work in Progress Blog Hop!
Work In Progress Blog Hop ~ The Next Best Thing
***Answer the ten questions about your current WIP (Work In Progress) on your blog
***Tag five other writers/bloggers and add their links so we can hop over and meet them.
It’s that simple.
Ten Interview Questions for The Next Big Thing:
What is the working title of your book?
Pleasant Dreams and it’s definitely a working title.
***Answer the ten questions about your current WIP (Work In Progress) on your blog
***Tag five other writers/bloggers and add their links so we can hop over and meet them.
It’s that simple.
Ten Interview Questions for The Next Big Thing:
What is the working title of your book?
Pleasant Dreams and it’s definitely a working title.
Where did the idea come from for the book?
Back in college, I took an “Aztecs and Mayans” class and it was the most interesting class I ever had and I was in English major! But it was very interesting to learn about other civilizations and the professor didn’t just talk about the temples, etc. He’d actually been to see them in person—mostly the Yucatan Peninsula-- so he provided a very colorful insight towards what we were only seeing pictures of. Now of course, the Aztecs and the Mayans were known for their human sacrifices and such and I’d be lying to say that that wasn’t the reason why I signed up to take this class in the first place. But it certainly was a factor and by the time the semester was over, I had Pleasant Dreams rolling around in my head.
Back in college, I took an “Aztecs and Mayans” class and it was the most interesting class I ever had and I was in English major! But it was very interesting to learn about other civilizations and the professor didn’t just talk about the temples, etc. He’d actually been to see them in person—mostly the Yucatan Peninsula-- so he provided a very colorful insight towards what we were only seeing pictures of. Now of course, the Aztecs and the Mayans were known for their human sacrifices and such and I’d be lying to say that that wasn’t the reason why I signed up to take this class in the first place. But it certainly was a factor and by the time the semester was over, I had Pleasant Dreams rolling around in my head.
What genre does your book fall under?
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a
movie rendition?
Hmmm. Probably Chris Hemsworth and Zachary Quinto. They’re both studly in their own right but I think they’d be able to pull off the emotional aspect of the story.
Hmmm. Probably Chris Hemsworth and Zachary Quinto. They’re both studly in their own right but I think they’d be able to pull off the emotional aspect of the story.
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
“With no reason to think that he should live, Paul Holten runs for his life.” Which I have to say is kind of contradictory. This will probably go through several rounds of editing before I get it just right.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an
Hopefully represented by an agency,
Hopefully represented by an agency,
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your
Oh man, the first draft isn’t even done. Recently I realized that I need to restructure the first half of the book and I have no idea where to start. The time frame, even as we speak, is wide open.
Oh man, the first draft isn’t even done. Recently I realized that I need to restructure the first half of the book and I have no idea where to start. The time frame, even as we speak, is wide open.
What other books would you compare this story to within your
Honestly, none that I’ve ever read and I’ve read a lot.
Honestly, none that I’ve ever read and I’ve read a lot.
Who or What inspired you to write this book?
My inspiration comes from so many things. For this book in particular, there is a very long list and I don’t think I have room here to list it all!
My inspiration comes from so many things. For this book in particular, there is a very long list and I don’t think I have room here to list it all!
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
It has an
edge of something in it that’s not completely grounded in reality as we know it
which adds to the urgency. Our lack of understanding something always seems to
motivate us a lot more, don’t you think? But a bigger part of this story will make
you question how the past shapes us into the people we are today.
Book Review!
Hey gang! Guess what? I have the honor and privilege of reading and reviewing Kaitlin Bevis' novel, Persephone, Daughters of Zeus and I have to say, what a piece of work! Please see below for my "official" (pretty fancy, huh?) review of this great book. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy! It's available at Goodreads and also for your Kindle! Read on, citizens!
4 out of 5 stars
“The drive the living has to always do more, get more and conquer more dies with us.”
That’s just one of the many awesomely-stirring lines from Kaitlin Bevis’ debut novel, Persephone—Daughters of Zeus. Like most books, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started reading. I knew the name Persephone from mythology but that was as far as it went. And I’ll tell you what, I was not expecting Bevis to take Persephone’s back story and add such a fun, modern twist to it.
The plot centers around Kora (whose first name is Persephone but she goes by her middle name for reasons that you will find out as you read). She’s in high school, a vegan and for all intents and purposes seems to be your average, run-of-the-mill teenager. Until she and you, the reader, realizes that she isn’t.
I don’t want to give away the story line although I’m sure you can probably guess. But what I will tell you is that this story will completely suck you in. The character interaction and their dialogue absolutely sparkle and I found myself laughing out loud multiple times. Although there were several times where I wished Bevis put in a little more detail, the unfolding of the story is paced well and the characters are leaping off the pages so boldly that you’re more interested in what they’re saying rather than the scenery. I can’t stress enough the excellent control Bevis has over the conversations, the beliefs and the inner workings of a world that are literally on a different plane of reality.
The Event Has Commenced!!
Hello, citizens! The Children's Book Event--hosted by the wonderful Megan McDade--has now officially begun! All through the month of September, there will be posts, interviews, giveaways and more from authors, bloggers and illustrators--all related and circulating around children's books and the memories they invoke! Now the magnificent Ms. McDade has posted her first questions (ahem): what are your first memories of reading?
Now, me personally? I remember constantly reading "Where the Sidewalk Ends." It was a book of poems that were so strange yet simple and man, was I hooked. I think in my young mind, I connected with the weirdness of it. I mean, there was stuff in there from flying shoes, to a girl waiting for the rain to come because she wants a drink of water and oh, let's not forget about another girl who ate an entire whale and by the time she was finished, she was an old lady! Talk about determination! As weird as the poems were, they made sense. They weren't cute or filled with hidden meaning and they didn't preach at you, either. They were blunt, telling you in the simplest of terms what would happen if you were determined to eat a whale.
The illustrations in that book always struck with me as just this side of creepy too....which when I think about it, is probably what led me to the world of Dean Koontz but that's another story...
Summer's slipping away from us...
It's sad but true, folks. The leaves are already beginning to change, it's staying darker a lot later in the morning (I only know this because I'm up at 5am), and those loud, annoying, rectangular-shaped carriers of school children have begun their hunts in earnest around the neighborhood. Am I happy about this? I'm not entirely sure. I love the fall. That means the holidays are coming. That means we can break out the fluffy blankets and the sweatshirts and the hot chocolate and smell the spice and crisp in the air. But I'll miss the summer. It sinks into your bones, makes you relax, maybe a little careless and what's better than driving with your car windows down?
Soak it up while there's still time, everyone. Seriously, because there's already Halloween stuff in the stores already.
Megan's Book Event for Children!
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Hello folks! How're we doing on this fine August day? Wait...did I say August? Oh yeah, I did and you want to know why? Because August is almost OVER! September is right around the corner and you know what that means:
Most of you are probably dreading it, some of you might actually be excited about it. But there's one thing in common for school-lovers and haters alike: books.
Whether you're an avid fan or not, books are an integral part of our lives. Which is why Megan McDade, the wonderful hostess of Children's Book Event is going to be hosting this awesomeness all September long! It's going to be a party, a celebration, a shin-dig, a get-together, a RAVE and it will be calling attention to chidren's books that we all know and love and even a few that we've never heard of before! There's going to be author and illustrator interviews, giveaways, guest posts (provided by myself and countless, talented others) and reviews! Oh, sweet reviews and hey look! I haven't even mentioned the fairytales yet because really, what's a children's book event without the fairytales?
So hold on to your pants, people! The Children's Book Event is set to begin on September 1st! So if you're in the market for books for your kids or your sister's kids or your neighbors's kids or you just want to take a stroll down memory lane, stop on by!
Reading Away the Days...
Hey gang! Just wanted to let you know that I'm featured over at Reading Away the Days blog as this Friday's Young Adult Author! Stop on over and say hi! There might be brownies....follow this link and brownie crumbs.....
Booktowne Party!
Hi gang! How is this fine August day treating you? As you can see I've posted pictures from my recent book launch party that was held at Booktowne on August 11th and I have to say, it was a blast! So many people showed up to give me such love and support and Booktowne? Yeah, the place rocks! It's right smack in the center of Manasquan, New Jersey surrounded by awesome shops, boutiques and restaurants with the best food...not to mention this incredibly delicious cupcake bakery right across the street! But I'm getting sidetacked (thoughts of lemon cupcakes are clouding my mind).
So, yes, the book party--it was such a great time and Rita, the book store's owner is a doll and Laurel, an employee who was also present was so sweet! Rita introduced me to everyone, set out water and cookies and welcomed all of us so warmly. She then introduced my book, Traffic Jam and from there, multiple questions and answers were tossed around, pictures were taken, laughter and chatter filled the store, I swear, the only thing missing was a band and cocktails!
A big, hearty thanks to everyone at Booktowne (Rita, Maribeth and Laurel) and especially to all those who came out! I appreciate it so much! Happy reading and see you all again soon!
Traffic Jam Launch Party!

Another Traffic Jam event is abound! This Saturday, August 11th, I will be in Manasquan, New Jersey at an awesome little bookstore aptly named, Booktowne! I will be there from 1-3pm, mingling with folks, talking about my book, doing a little bit of reading and of course, enjoying some refreshments. So if you're in the area or if you feel the urge to get in your car and take a drive, stop by Booktowne! The beach isn't too far away either and really? Books and a beach? Is there any better combination than that? If you think of one, let me know! Until then, see you in Booktowne!
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