Okay, first off--I do not own this picture. I wish I did. But sadly, I do not. Second...Shinedown acoustic? How, in any way, can that not be awesome? Check out Brent Smith and Zach Myers' version of Metallica's hit, "Nothing Else Matters."
Hello peeps! How we doing today? If you're along the upper-eastern sea board, you're probably snowed in, just like me. So what to do on a day like this? How about be bound and gagged by the ever-gracious Jami Gray? Oh yes, my friend, she is one tough cookie to get past, let me tell you. Those hordes at the bottom of her driveway...not...to be...messed...with. Which is why I'm there right now....
Hey gang! What do you think of the new blog? Courtesy of the ever-awesome Christi Fultz. I found her by complete accident and I thought her blog designs were too damn cute! And there's plenty of color and you know me, plenty of color means LOUD and LOUD is awesome! So step in, won't you and let me know what you think of the new blog design!