Showing posts with label What is Going on Now?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What is Going on Now?. Show all posts


Mocha in a Fancy Glass at Cafe V-Dal

It's not every day where you walk into a cafe, order a mocha and it comes out in a fancy-shmancy glass. For some reason, this is like the equivalence of getting an upgrade without asking it. Even when I go into a bar and order a whiskey shot and it's placed before me a heavy, crystal shot glass, I can't help but grin like a maniac and think,
"Now this is gonna go down good."
Who knew that the holder of said mocha or whiskey could make either taste that much better? The shot glass was cold, adding an extra bite to the whiskey. The glass for my mocha was comfortably warm while I stirred it with the spoon and I could see the milk and the coffee swirl together in a pale kaleidoscope of tasty goodness. 
Now don't get the wrong idea here. Cafe V-Dal does not sell booze but their mochas, you simply have to try, Paired up with one of their oven-warm croissants and it's exactly what you need for a mid-day snack. Be sure to sit by the window too, in the afternoon because the sun simply pours in and you'll sit there, like a content cat. 
You may even start purring...


New Year, New Coffee Shop

There is always something to be said about trying new things. And as we near the end of the first month of the new year (I know, I know, I'm late), it's safe to say that trying new coffee shops is something we must all aspire to. You honestly never know what to expect. Oh, sure, you know you can expect coffee...maybe some muffins...maybe a few super-cute cupcakes decorated as a Minion or Cookie Monster.  And of course, the patrons on the laptops, tick-tacking away on their keyboards, ears plugged in, coffee cup at the elbow, immersed in their world while the real one goes on around them. But what can you notice when you don't, um, notice? Especially when you're in a new coffee shop. There's so much to look at! The drink menus, the trays of home-made biscotti, the cookies and that wonderful sound of grinding coffee beans and that's not even including the decor! Local artwork, little coffee-related knick-knacks like the JAVA blocks in the picture above - it's all in the atmosphere and it's important to absorb it as you sit near the window, sipping at the delicious nectar of the gods, the thing that we mortals refer to as: coffee.
So branch out from your local Starbucks and Dunkin and Wawa. Stop by a quaint little place in Limerick called Java Brewin'. Believe me, you won't be disappointed. 




To Dream of New Orleans Beignets!

A few years ago, I had the honor and pleasure of visiting New Orleans with my friends. Upon my return to the frigid Northeast, I told myself (and many others) that if I were to EVER move to New Orleans, it would be for the food, the whole food and nothing but the food.
Because the food down there is ridiculous and so good and so.....heavenly.
Until recently, I've been unable to find a decent replication of the ever-famous beignet. Then I was bought to the Grand Lux Cafe and holy good God, my friend and I positively tackled this basket of scrumptious beignet goodness. From the buttery flakes to the dusting of powdered sugar to the three choices of dipping sauces, it was a feast of dynamic proportions. Coupled with a whipped-cream-slathered hot mocha, I was transported back to the mellow, easy streets of New Orleans, complete with the casual gait of both tourists and locals and jazzy music that soothed the spurs in my soul. 


Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone had a great day of thanks, good eats and even better company! Hold it all closely. You never know when it'll be gone!


Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, peeps! May your treats be tasty, your tricks be awesome and your screams of terror be loud!

(Yup, this is a pumpkin candle holder. A bit creepy, right?)


There Is Never a Bad Time for Baked Goods

See that glow? It's a ray of heavenly light because even God knows there's nothing more divine than a glass of iced coffee and a cupcake glazed with Oreo crumbs.


Opinions Wanted: Who Played It Better?

Okay, guys, I'm curious....
Who do you think played the Mad Hatter better?
Sebastion Stan
Johnny Depp?


What's a Weekend Without Pastries?

Nothing spells W-E-E-K-E-N-D like delicious pastries! 
And I know, I know, everyone's getting ready their beach bodies ready but look, the longer you deny yourself, the harder it'll get to resist when someone shoves a cupcake in your face.
Am I right or what?
So, not to be an enabler or anything but here are some of the scrumptious treats I indulged in this weekend because, honestly, I have zero impulse control:

These cupcakes can be found at Alice's Bakery and Confectionary!

And these tasty cup of tea (black tea, strawberries, orange peels and sprinkes--yay!) paired with this equally-mouth-watering scone can be enjoyed at The Talking Teacup!

Let it be known that I am always on the look-out for new bakeries, coffee shops (besides Starbucks *wink*) and tea houses so if you've got one near you, leave a comment!


Writers After Dark: Lights Out Won The Chapter of Excellence Award!

So this happened.....

Honestly, I'm still in shock. I was not expecting to win this at all. When I got the email from Writers After Dark, telling me that my first chapter from Lights Out had won the grand prize, I almost fell right out of my chair! It's insane, right? And truly humbling. Thank you so much, Writers After Dark, for selecting my chapter! Check out the hyperlink to find all the winners! First chapters are more important than we realize!


Happy Holidays and Adios 2017!

Hope you're having a great holiday, everyone!
Cheers to the end and the beginning!


Correct Punctuation...It Can Make a Difference

Correct punctuation--it can make the difference between a harsh comment and one that...well, might end up in the bedroom....


GIVEAWAY TIME! **Now Closed***

And why?
Because Halloween's coming and that means CANDY!
You all know my sweet tooth is legendary so what better way to celebrate the sweetness in the time of chills, thrills and screams?
So okay. Let's lay down some rules. Yes, rules. I know, I know, I don't like them either but sometimes they're necessary.
For this giveaway, my thriller LIGHTS OUT is on sale for $0.99! YAY!
All you have to do is purchase a copy, send me your verified purchase code and be entered into a drawing for this:

How CUTE is this thing? How can a ghost be any cuter than this? Yep, it's an adorable throw pillow (dimensions are 16'' x 16'') and not only that, but look at the back of it:
Happy ghost on the front and sad ghost on the back!
Who knew Halloween was totally capable of cuteness!
Now, I know LIGHTS OUT has been out for a while now (2013 to be exact, ugh, where IS the time going?) so for those you who already have a copy, whether it be an ebook or a hard copy, send me a pic of your smiling face along with your copy of LIGHTS OUT (again, ebook or hard copy, doesn't matter) and you can enter to win as well!
You can send me your verified purchase codes and/or your pics on this blog post, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, wherever you can find me!
Oh and did I mention a $10 gift card to Starbucks? No? Well, let's throw that in as well, shall we? Nothing like sipping on a hot beverage while relaxing on a ghosty pillow!
I'm going to keep this giveaway running through Halloween until November 3rd so good luck, peeps and Happy Halloween!


Creepy Campfire Tales with Debbie Christiana

So incredibly honored to be a part of Debbie Christiana's Creepy Campfire Tales Blog
Come check out what I've conjured up around the crackling fire....see if you can go to sleep tonight after hearing this one.....


While Getting Coffee....

This is the face I make when I run into rude people.....especially in a Starbucks. Seriously. You're in a Starbucks. You're getting a hug in a mug. Why are you going to be rude? What is there to be rude about? Your brain is about to get a jolt of love. Your body is going to receive the burst of affection it craves and you're going to be rude? 


Cover Reveal for Caridad Pineiro and One Summer Night

Don't judge a book by its's easier said than done! That cover, whether it's good, bad or ugly, has a way of masking a truly amazing story. So without further ado, here's the awesome cover for Caridad Pineiro's new novel, "One Summer Night":

Maggie Sinclair has tried everything to save her family's business. Her options are dwindling, and she needs someone who can turn things around—fast. Problem is, the only person who can help her is trouble with a capital T. The Sinclair and Pierce families have been feuding for nearly 30 years, but that hasn't stopped Jax Pierce from noticing Maggie. And he likes what he sees—a lot. But getting involved would mean risking his family, his inheritance, and above all, his heart. Can Maggie and Jax keep their simmering attraction at bay—or will mixing business and pleasure bring nothing but heartache?

With keen interest, Owen Pierce took note of the three women as they hurried away from the dais and into the Sinclair mansion.
“Put your eyes back in your head, Bro. She’s nothing but trouble,” Jon warned in low tones.
Owen bit back the retort that if anyone knew about trouble, it was his brother. Jonathan had always marched to a different drummer and had set out on his own as a teenager to explore what he wanted out of life. Now a successful entrepreneur, he had captured the media’s attention with his innovative designs and daring adventures. That left Owen to shoulder most of the burden of the family’s real estate business, as well as deal with his father’s anger over Jonathan’s latest newsworthy escapade.
He envied his brother’s carefree spirit and determination, especially as Maggie Sinclair marched back onto the patio with her friends, an angry bride, and an obviously inebriated groom. Both the bride and groom looked far from happy as they approached the elaborate multi-tiered wedding cake that had been wheeled out to the middle of the makeshift dance floor.
He worried the bride might plunge the long knife she held into her new husband, but luckily for the newlyweds, Maggie directed the blade toward the cake.
Jon playfully elbowed him. “Seriously, Owen. She’s not for you. Father declared the Sinclairs off-limits ages ago. He would have a stroke if he thought the two of you were involved.”
Involved with Maggie Sinclair, Owen thought and sighed with regret.
In a way, he’d been involved with her forever. He’d like to chalk it all up to a sloppy, hurried, and stolen kiss at eighteen and the allure of forbidden fruit. But since that kiss, he’d watched her mature into a smart, beautiful woman. One who was willing to work hard for the town and business she cared about as well as friends and family. With every encounter, he’d grown more intrigued with the person Maggie had become.
But his father had come down hard on them about mingling with the Sinclairs right after Maggie’s mother’s death. For years, they’d been unable to come to their Sea Kiss home, and even when they’d returned, they’d done so without their father, who refused to be so close to the family he thought had wronged him.
Not that Owen expected that Jon would kowtow to such rules, since his brother was the kind of man who didn’t hesitate to take what he wanted.
He arched a brow and met his brother’s blue-eyed gaze, which glittered with a mix of undisguised challenge and amusement. “Do you think you’re the only one entitled to a little adventure in your life?” he said.
Jon chuckled. “My kind of adventure is way safer than what you may be considering.”
“Why’s that, Li’l Bro?” he asked, appreciating the sight of Maggie in a dusty-rose gown that hugged dangerous curves. Her chestnut-brown hair fell to her shoulders in soft waves and framed ice-blue eyes and a sassy, sexy face that snared his attention every time he saw her.
Jonathan took a last sip of his champagne and barely stifled another laugh. With a shake of his head, he replied, “Because all I risk is an occasional broken bone, but that…”  He jerked his head in Maggie’s direction as she stepped back beside Connie and Emma.  “That will break your heart.”

Behind the Scenes Tidbits for the At the Shore Series:

Purchase Links:

Amazon Kindle:
Amazon Paperback:
Kobo: Coming Soon!

Caridad Bio:

Caridad Pineiro is a transplanted Long Island girl who has fallen in love with pork roll and the Jersey Shore, but still can’t get the hang of tomato pies. When Caridad isn’t taking long strolls along the boardwalk to maintain her sanity and burn off that pork roll, she’s also a NY Times and USA Today bestselling author with over a million books sold worldwide. Caridad is passionate about writing and helping others explore and develop their skills as writers. She is a founding member of the Liberty States Fiction Writers and has presented workshops at the RT Book Club Convention, Romance Writers of America National Conference as well as various writing organizations throughout the country. You can connect with Caridad at You can also find Caridad on:

Twitter at
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Pinterest at
Goodreads at

Want to receive Caridad's newsletter with exclusive content just for subscribers and special giveaways? Just visit to sign up. Caridad values your privacy and will not share your e-mail or personal information.


Naughty Bedtime Stories: Four You is Here!

I am so excited to be a part of this super-sexy anthology! For me, it was a nice break to write something light (and steamy), a huge step to the side of what I usually write. Check out who else is sharing the awesomeness between the sheets with me:

Feel like sinking your fingers into something good? Take a romp in the bedroom with these sexy-as-hell stories! 


You Know The Feeling....

Walking outside after finishing a tasty, stomach-extending meal and the air on your flushed face feels so good, so cool. As delectable as that last bite of hot apple crumble sliding down your throat.

Oh yeah.

Carb Flush.

That, my friends, is the rush of blood to the face after raising your head from the carb trough. It’s not easy to do, especially since we deny ourselves carbs all the time.

They’re too much fat, we cry.

They’re too much sugar, we scream.

And with a hell-bent for leather single-mindedness, they head straight for multiple areas anywhere between our knees and our necks.

As emphatic as we are about our carb-denial, when we do finally cave, it’s a rush of euphoria seldom duplicated in any other aspect of our lives.

We think, “Yes, oh, yes. This is what I’ve been missing.”

Life is short, right?

So go ahead.

Eat that cake.

You don’t have to overdo it.

But you need to taste it.

Taste the rush.

Feel the flush.


Holiday Book Sale for the Month of December!

Just in time for the holidays because really, who doesn't like getting books for Christmas?!
Wherever e-books are sold!
For the whole month December!

In the meantime, have a great holiday, peeps! Behold good will and cookies!

Purchase Links Here:


Horror Bites Challenge!

Oh, man, I haven't done a Horror Bites Challenge in ages! The always-awesome Laura James has returned to host these little snippets of horror, based on a seemingly innocent photo. See below folks and let me know what you think:

             The dust swirled. It reached up and out as far as the eye could see. Well, any eye that cared to and not many of them did. The dust cast a sick, golden glow like the world was caught inside an aging snow globe.
            No edges.
            No corners.
            No way out.
            Just around and around.
            The women watched from behind the chain-link fence as he was escorted to The Fixing Room. Some of the women smirked while others outright laughed at him. Still, others glared, repulsed and angry, as if he were getting what he deserved.
            And the one he’d touched...
            Slipped his fingers right through the fence to feel her hair.
            Then his hand that those fingers belonged to ended up by his feet in a splash of blood.
An explosive pop of color in all that fevered yellow.
He’d made it far longer than anyone had predicted. Went for so long without the longing, the urges that usually struck the males.
Until he couldn’t fight it anymore.
He had to touch.
He had to.
It wasn’t a sickness.
He knew, in the old world, it hadn’t been a crime to touch.
He wished he’d lived then.
The Fixing Room drew near.
His knees buckled, forcing his escorts to carry him.
He could see a row of seats outside The Fixing Room. Five seats, attached to one another. A family of chairs.
Waiting and empty.
The stump at the end of his right arm twitched and pulsed.
He caught sight of a juice box, nestled into the seat closest to the door of The Fixing Room. Its straw was wilted as if it had given up waiting for its owner to return.
He wondered if it belonged to someone who had gone into The Fixing Room.
It made sense.
No man who went in ever came out.